Celebrate the New Year in your living room, with Verbier and the Polaris Festival

As 2020 draws to a close, start 2021 in style. Although we can’t travel to the magical Alps in Switzerland, Verbier and Polaris Festival have concocted a night in to remember, with four hours of electric music available online from 9 pm (UTC+1) on 31 December. Tune into polarisfestival.tv and listen to the groovy beats of top artists, including Nina Kraviz, Folamour, the up-and-coming Carista, and Kamma and Masalo. Don those sequins, sign in online, turn up the music and get ready to dance (like nobody’s watching) in the safety of your living room.

Please find a link to images here: https://we.tl/t-JSiuks2GSn (copyright: Nikita Thévoz (@nktatvo)) 

For more information on Polaris Festival, please visit: https://polarisfestival.ch
For more information on Verbier, please visit: www.verbier.ch/winter/